Pierce's Disease
Research Updates


What is Pierce's Disease?

Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection, which is spread by bugs that feed on grapevines, particularly the "glassy winged sharpshooter." Grapevines that become infected with PD can quickly become sick and die.

glassy-winged sharpshooter

Author Detail

  • Name:
    Backus, EA
Published DateTitlePublicationAuthor List
December 01, 2008 Correlations of cibarial muscle activities of Homalodisca spp. sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) with EPG ingestion waveform and excretion Journal of insect physiology Dugravot, S; Backus, EA; Reardon, BJ; Miller, TA;
August 01, 2008 Quantitative comparison of stylet penetration behaviors of glassy-winged sharpshooter on selected hosts Journal of economic entomology Backus, EA; Sandanayaka, WRM;
July 01, 2007 Competitive binding influences Xylella fastidiosa vector load: Confocal and SEM images of GFP-expressing Xf in glassy-winged sharpshooter foreguts Phytopathology Backus, EA;
February 23, 2009 A new Phytoreovirus infecting the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis). Virology. Backus, EA; Hunter, WB; Sisterson, MS; Krugner, R; Stenger, DC;
August 01, 2008 Quantitative comparison of stylet penetration behaviors of glassy-winged sharpshooter on selected hosts. J econ entomol Backus, EA; Sandanayaka, WRM;
February 17, 2010 Spatial colonization of Xylella fastidiosa in the foregut of glassy-winged sharpshooter supports two types of egestion in the inoculation mechanism Phytopathology Backus, EA;
February 17, 2010 The AC-DC Correlation Monitor: New EPG design with flexible input resistors to detect both R and emf components for any piercing-sucking hemipteran Journal of insect physiology Backus, EA; Bennett, WH;
February 17, 2010 Sharpshooter X Wave: Correlation of an Electrical Penetration Graph Waveform With Xylem Penetration Supports a Hypothesized Mechanism for Xylella fastidiosa Inoculation Annals of the entomological society of america Backus, EA; Reardon, BJ; Holmes, WJ; Schreiber, F; Walker, GP;
February 17, 2010 The glassy-winged sharpshooter vector of Xylella fastidiosa harbors a phytoreovirus Phytopathology Backus, EA; Hunter, WB; Sisterson, MS; Krugner, R; Stenger, DC;
August 01, 2011 Spatiotemporal Colonization of Xylella fastidiosa in its Vector Supports the Role of Egestion in the Inoculation Mechanism of Foregut-Borne Plant Pathogens Phytopathology Backus, EA; Morgan, DJW;